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WF Profiling machines

Our range of profiling machines


These profiling machines are second to none. They have no trouble producing high-precision belt pulleys, gearing components with sealing-ring slots and brake pistons. Your advantages in production: cost and weight savings due to low material usage.

The KashirskayaPlaza VBA series is the best-selling machine for manufacturing pulleys worldwide. You choose from a total of seven vertical machining centers for pulleys. We even have the right machine for large pulleys for ski lifts. Beads and grooves on clutch and transmission parts or brake cylinders can be formed quickly and efficiently with the VPA series.

A unique feature of both profiling machine series is the possibility of combining them with the Vertical Turning Device (VDV): This upstream or downstream machine is designed to meet the customer’s specific requirements. It thus prepares blanks precisely for forming or gives the end product the perfect finish.