Aluminium wheels | End products WF machines
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Aluminium wheels

Aluminium wheels from cast or forged preforms


The VFM series produces one-piece, lightweight, hard-wearing and highly durable aluminium wheels for cars & trucks from 24” to 32” diameter. The process used achieves weight savings of up to 20% compared to conventional wheel production. Extremely short production cycles, reduced material input and minimised finishing machining enable WF machines to produce aluminium wheels sustainably.

Aluminium wheels

End product aluminium wheels

Technology: Flow forming

  • Aluminium wheels from cast or forged preforms
  • Split wheels
  • Racing wheels
  • Artistic-performance wheels
Aluminium wheels

Machineseries for aluminium wheels

  • VFM – vertical rim machines

    The VFM series produces one-piece, lightweight, strong and durable aluminium wheels for cars and trucks in diameters ranging from 24″ to 32″

    VFM series >>